From Start to Shop!
Dear visitors,
I wanted to share the process of my work with you to give you an added appreciation of the work that goes into making the beautiful art you buy from me. I chose the Braided Beauty, which you can preview and purchase in the "Vases" section of this site.
The first firing of clay is called bisque, it’s the white chalk like finish. The steps to finishing a piece is called the process. This piece is called The Braided Beauty.
Start date: 05/06/2016
Completion date: 05/20/2016
1. The first coat of paint covers the hair and face.
2. The ear rings are painted next.
3. Now we fill in the eyebrows.
4. The lip color completes her face.
Fine tuning:
Fine tuning is the painstaking steps of re-tracing, each step several times. Next the sealer is painted on, this sets the paint in place.
Finally the onyx crystals complete the ear rings.
Presenting …The Braided Beauty!